Benvenescù àl Fütür

Moart. Pëvarë. Corumpaziun. Itrigâ.
The rogue city-state of Talossa rises from the ashes of a dying America to take its place on the world stage of macronational war, politics, espionage and power. Tensions hum and rise, and war breaks out. Who will prevail in this war of fleeting hopes, grinding poverty, upstart nations and passing superpowers?
Creat par Éovart Andrinescu

Monday, October 21, 2013

Important Notice

Hello to all Talossa 2031 readers! Unfortunately, right now I am getting a little bogged down in schoolwork, studying for my yearly exams, and some other personal matters which I am working through. So, while I definitely plan to continue work on Talossa 2031 and while I am definitely not shutting down the blog, I will have to put the blog on hiatus for a short time until I get my studies back on track. I also plan on pre-writing a few more posts for the future so that I won't lag behind in terms of content generation.
So anyway, thanks again for all your support and I look forward to seeing you all soon on Witt.
¡Restetz cumpetens, Talossans!

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