Benvenescù àl Fütür

Moart. Pëvarë. Corumpaziun. Itrigâ.
The rogue city-state of Talossa rises from the ashes of a dying America to take its place on the world stage of macronational war, politics, espionage and power. Tensions hum and rise, and war breaks out. Who will prevail in this war of fleeting hopes, grinding poverty, upstart nations and passing superpowers?
Creat par Éovart Andrinescu

Friday, August 30, 2013

CIA report, 3rd March 2024

The following is an excerpt from a chat log between three PIG agents: 14, 29 and 17. These messages were intercepted between 0432 and 0438, 03.03.2024. The agents discuss something called "Westland", which appears to be some kind of code for a regal, perhaps a member of the Talossan royal family, as 17 mentions "regals" in one of his messages. "The Party" appears to be a colloquial reference to the ZRT, the ruling party of the Talossan government. This inference is supported by the reference to Xheraltescù, almost certainly meaning Carlüs Cauvesc Xheraltescù, the current deputy prime minister, and Txusci, most likely a reference to Davíu Txusci, the current war minister and head of the Talossan military.
A series of encoded messages follows, which are yet to be deciphered, then 14 appears to leave to the chat. 17 then makes reference to something called "Operation Talossan Peninsula", which we suspect may have something to do with a future invasion of Michigan. 17 says that they will traverse something (again, yet to be decoded), before bickering briefly with 29 and then leaving.
A full military counsel is advised at this juncture. If the Marì intends to invade Michigan, then a defense of some kind must be mustered. The Army Reserve in the region is currently on standby, but there is no way we can withdraw our troops from Syria and/or Ecuador and Colombia in time to stop this invasion, which we fear is imminent.

Tactile moves, that's what is needed here.
X_A14: 0432

Westland is becoming a problem.
X_A29: 0432

Westland is irrelevant. The Party will take care of the regals. Leave the politics to Xheraltescù and the war to Txusci.
X_A17: 0433

Are you sure this system is secure?
X_A29: 0433

Why so concerned?
X_A17: 0433

Unless you're certain that the network is secure, stick to the code words, Séiftesch.
X_A29: 0433

Creavéu séifet prairubxheux sangüns. Ben aßei për tu?
X_A17: 0434

Stop arguing. We're meant to be fighting the Cestours, not each other. Zespartéu.
X_A14: 0434


What war?
X_A29: 0434

Operaziun PENINSULA TALOSSAN. Noi traverçarhent ZppTM5YXvb8QKbl9PzQ== pü schpeit ar próxim.
X_A17: 0435

The enemy do have translators, you know.
X_A29: 0435

Let them fry. How are the stupid bastards meant to figure out el Glhetg without the literature, eh?
X_A17: 0435

Os tiennent penetrat ár päts come noi tiennent penetrat el lor.
X_A29: 0436

Ceßetz tu c'horînd. El Regipäts isch sigür. Sigürarhéu ça. Zespartéu.
X_A17: 0438



Friday, August 23, 2013

Marì formally founded, February 2024

from el Cuszorxha Sürligna, 3rd February 2024
written by Sullì da Kisch

Today, the Ministry of Defense has announced the formal founding of el Marì Talossan. With it comes the appointment of Defence Minister Davíu Txusci to the position of Rear Admiral, the high commander of Talossa's naval forces.
While at the moment, the Marì consists of a single infantry division, but plans to form a "Diviziun da Marineux" and an air force are "in consideration", according to Admiral Txusci.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2023 C.E.

A fairly uneventful year for Talossa, 2023 was one of steady economic and political growth. During this time, Talossa resurrected its legal system, placing newly repatriated cybercit Ián Tamorán in the position of Grand Justice of the Cort Pü Inalt, effectively the highest judge of the reformed Talossan legal system.
With Tamorán's repatriation came the further recognition of the "First 300", the colloquially named group of the first 300 citizens of the Kingdom.
An extract from the Cußorxha:
The now aged (said to be in his late seventies) Justice Ián Tamorán has also appeared at some gatherings in Talossa. No-one knows how he entered the country, and much care is being taken to hide his day-to-day whereabouts. It is said that he is one of the few people with enough diplomatic experience to broker an agreed peace with Talossa's neighbouring aggressor nation. There is, however, within the Kingdom strong opposition to his involvement, as he has never been fully popular with any of the political parties, always seeming to play one off against the other. Members of the First 300 have said that he has lost much of the common popularity he had during the commotion nine years ago - the "Immigration Shiboleth", as it was called in the local press. Justice Tamorán is known to have both friends and enemies in high places: unconfirmed rumours indicate disagreement between the King and the Queen.
Other important events include two new Arestadas from the CÚG. The first, released in May, made most consonant mutations obsolete to make the language "more accessible and easy to learn for all of our citizens". The second, released later in June, made the "thorn" digraph obsolete, and is to be replaced in all instances with "tg". As well as this, the letter "eth" has been completely disbanded, now to be replaced with a "d" or a "dh". Pressure to eliminate "ß" and replace it with "ss" or, less popularly, "sz" failed, but are still being considered by the CÚG.
These Arestadas were both met with extreme hostility from the Talossans for the Traditional Language (TPGT), a group that has been advocating the use of traditional, "pre-2007" Talossan since the formation of the Kingdom.
Four new ministries of the Ziu were created this year; the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

By the end of 2023, the U.S. had seen its third president in 8 months. The past six presidents; Damien Foster, William Ekkeburt, Linda Bautista, Henry Wilkinson, Edward Sams and Milo Hall had all been deposed either by popular motion or a vote of no confidence in either the Senate, Congress or the Supreme Court.
As the U.S. economy declines further, Talossa's first private company, Ercas d'Abbavilla Inc., goes public on the eve of 24 August. EdA quickly becomes known as a reliable resources producer and takes advantage of its early lead, securing most of Talossa's resource and manufacturing market almost overnight.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New ministry founded, December 2022

from el Cußorxha Sürligna, 26 December 2022
written by Sullì da Kisch
To celebrate the 43rd anniversary of the founding of Talossa, as well as to address the needs of the nation's burgeoning economic and industrial environment, the Ziu has announced the formation of a new ministry, the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture.
The creation of a new ministry comes as a result of a need for an independent source of goods from inside the country. So far, most of Talossa's goods have been shipped, sometimes at great expense, from China or Canada, two nations who have long supported Talossa since the early days of the revolution.
This new ministry's role is to "oversee, regulate and encourage industrial and, when Talossa expands further into the countryside, agricultural growth", according to Glüc da Dhi, the new Minister of Industry and Agriculture.
Mic'haglh Uitattä, the Deputy Minister of Industry, also released a Stätsmínt Xheneraliçat of his own, saying that "...while there is a long road ahead for the people of Talossa, we feel that the ministry's work can guarantee a secure economic environment for out future."
The statement went on to mention the now-confirmed plans for further expansion into the countryside of Wisconsin. Rumors that this expansion may continue to envelop other nearby states, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa and northern Michigan in particular, remain unconfirmed.
The Ministry's plan for what it calls "national industrial rejuvenation" will begin at the start of next year with the restoration of Abbavilla's industrial district, which was damaged in the riots and later used as a squatting ground for some of those who were displaced or made homeless by the revolutionary actions of some of our late comrades in arms.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

2nd December, 2022


not affiliated with the real

2 DECEMBER, 2022

World population ticks over 8,000,000,000

writes Emily Lynch
The world's population has reached 8 billion today, according to the U.N. Statistics Division. This declaration is only an estimate, but the analysts of the UNSD have determined through a collection of local censuses throughout the world that the world population reached 8 billion sometime during the past month or so.
This shift has occurred around two years before it was projected, which raises concerns about overpopulation and the ever-increasing food worries that are encroaching on once-prosperous nations, the U.S. in particular.
I spoke to an analyst of the UNSD, Rhianna Jackson, who said:
"It is concerning that the population is expanding this quickly. We only projected that the world's population would reach 8 billion in 2025. The explosion of unchecked births in previously prosperous countries is most likely due to their falling economies."
Conservative activist, Henry Ritter of 2KG Radio 7, blames the new "oriental powers" for the population problems, as well as basically all other problems in America. With China's massive economic growth in the past two years, coupled with Russia's seizing of many thousands of gallons worth of oil and natural gas pipelines in the Middle East after their victory in the Iran War, the base of economical and mineral power  has shifted to the east at a blinding speed.

25 October, 2022

El Cußorxha

25 Listopäts, 2022

Royal family repatriated, much fanfare

The royal family of Talossa, King Pair I, Queen Antaglha and their three sons have been safely repatriated after arriving in Talossa at Luc'htphort Internaziunal del Lupul, formally known as General Mitchell International Airport. The family was flown in from their home in Lafayette, Indiana. Upon their arrival, they were ushered into a limousine which took them to el Chentenar Grült del Ziu in Abbavilla.
This particular repatriation, one of many this month, is of very high importance to el Regipäts. King Pair's coronation occurred two days ago in the Abbavilla University. His first action as regent was to swear in the Ziu, which began the formal machinations of government.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Büreu del Glhetg handbill, c. 2022

BdG handbill printed en masse in East Side Milwaukee, now called Abbavilla by the Ziu. Recovered on the 12th of September, 2022.
Simple but effective propaganda has become a hallmark of the newly reformed Talossan government. From late 2022 onward, less and less of the population are speaking English all the time, as they are required to at least speak some Talossan for official or legal circumstances. The availability of free language courses all throughout Talossan territory did great things for the sense of patriotism and individuality that Talossa so desperately needed to carry on as a successful nation.
Unfortunately, this also led to the discrimination and occasional mistreatment of the Cestourats living in and around the border areas that were not quite Talossan, but not quite American either. This was especially evident in such events as the Scourge of Paducah, 2026 and there have been many reports or complaints of occupational police brutality in the West Rochester DMZ, 2030.
But in the end, the widespread use of the Talossan language not only united the country, but also made it a more formidable military opponent. With one of the conditions of joining the Marì (formed in 2024) being a semi-fluent or at least somewhat advanced knowledge of the language, the invasion forces of Talossa all spoke in a language that the world did not yet understand. With the websites of language owned and run by the government, access to online language resources was restricted to IP addresses within firmly-held Talossan territory, as well as the purchase or delivery of any Talossan language books, or books written in the language itself.
This way, the Talossan government was able to restrict its most powerful popular motivator to the use of its citizens and no one else.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

8 August, 2022


8 August, 2022


writes Charlie Slane
The White House released a statement earlier today, stating that they have recognized the secession of the rogue state calling itself "el Regipäts Talossan", meaning the Kingdom of Talossa. This secession comes as a result of the numerous riots of the past three years in and around the Milwaukee area, finally culminating in the creation of this breakaway state.
After a number of failed strikes against the would-be rebels, beginning with riot police and ending with full-scale military action against the occupied city, the U.S. government reported the following in their statement:
"The risk of civilian casualty is too high to continue the attacks on Milwaukee. With the city in chaos and any and all medical facilities out of commission, we cannot afford to cause innocent deaths. Even the most professional of pilots, gunners and soldiers can make mistakes, and those mistakes cost lives. That is to say, every person who is inside the Milwaukee metropolitan area and is not affiliated with the rioters is, at this point in time, considered by the United States Government to be a hostage of the terrorists that are occupying the city."
The Talossan government, or the "Ziu", as it is known in the language the rioters used to communicate without alerting police or other civilians to their activities, has convened as a 200-seat bicameral parliament, similar to the Canadian system of government. Several overseas citizens, informally known as "cybercits" (short for cyber citizens, members of the nation's original message board), have been recalled to Milwaukee to be repatriated.
One of these citizens was Éovart Andrinescù (age 24), who tells us he was formally known as Edward Anderson. An Australian local politician with a wife and a child, who accompanied him on his flight to Talossa, Éovart arrived at Burlington Municipal Airport yesterday and is now attempting to seek "political asylum" in Talossan territory.

Benvenescu àl Fütür

Wisconsin USA, 2022
The U.S. economy is dwindling. Years of rioting have resulted in the creation of a new nation-state known as Talossa. The war between two nations, one dying, one newborn, begins. Follow this blog and the story of el Fütür through triumph and defeat, through patriotism and corruption, through life and death. Who will prevail? Only here will you find out.