BdG handbill printed en masse in East Side Milwaukee, now called Abbavilla by the Ziu. Recovered on the 12th of September, 2022.
Simple but effective propaganda has become a hallmark of the newly reformed Talossan government. From late 2022 onward, less and less of the population are speaking English all the time, as they are required to at least speak some Talossan for official or legal circumstances. The availability of free language courses all throughout Talossan territory did great things for the sense of patriotism and individuality that Talossa so desperately needed to carry on as a successful nation.
Unfortunately, this also led to the discrimination and occasional mistreatment of the Cestourats living in and around the border areas that were not quite Talossan, but not quite American either. This was especially evident in such events as the Scourge of Paducah, 2026 and there have been many reports or complaints of occupational police brutality in the West Rochester DMZ, 2030.
But in the end, the widespread use of the Talossan language not only united the country, but also made it a more formidable military opponent. With one of the conditions of joining the Marì (formed in 2024) being a semi-fluent or at least somewhat advanced knowledge of the language, the invasion forces of Talossa all spoke in a language that the world did not yet understand. With the websites of language owned and run by the government, access to online language resources was restricted to IP addresses within firmly-held Talossan territory, as well as the purchase or delivery of any Talossan language books, or books written in the language itself.
This way, the Talossan government was able to restrict its most powerful popular motivator to the use of its citizens and no one else.
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