Benvenescù àl Fütür

Moart. Pëvarë. Corumpaziun. Itrigâ.
The rogue city-state of Talossa rises from the ashes of a dying America to take its place on the world stage of macronational war, politics, espionage and power. Tensions hum and rise, and war breaks out. Who will prevail in this war of fleeting hopes, grinding poverty, upstart nations and passing superpowers?
Creat par Éovart Andrinescu

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Battle of Sandusky Bay

On the 20th of September, 2027, two Marì battalions landed on the south bank of Sandusky Bay, Ohio. These two battalion were the 427th Rifles Battalion and the 192nd Amphibious Battalion. Totaling nearly 2,000 men, this invasion contingent represented a sizable portion of the Marì's military presence in western Ohio.
The plan of the attack was to seize the city of Sandusky in no less than a week. Heavy resistance was expected near the city. Local Ohio Army National Guard units had been reinforced by U.S. Army Reserves from eastern Ohio. Enemy forces were thought to be roughly equivalent to Marì forces. The Edison Bridge which connected both sides of the Bay had been destroyed, so the only effective way for the Marì to deliver supplies and reinforcements into the combat zone was by sea. Amphibious insertions call for a very specific kind of combat unit, so the 427th and the 192nd went into their mission knowing that reinforcements would be unlikely.

Men of the 427th Rifles landing on the shore of Sandusky Bay.
The landmass in the background is known as "the Bogs".
The initial landings went smoothly, with no casualties or resistance of any kind. Colonel Glhoûn, the officer in command of the Sandusky contingent, suspected that the American forces were laying in wait on the outskirts of Sandusky, where they would have a defensive advantage.
A makeshift base of operations was established in the small town of Bay Harbour. Glhoûn planned to use the Marì's trademark tactic; using America's infrastructure against itself. As Marì forces pushed east towards Sandusky, ammunition and rations could be delivered via U.S. Route 6.

A rifleman of the 192nd sprints for cover during a firefight with American
reserves north of Castalia, OH.
There were several skirmishes along Route 6 during the advance on Sandusky, but by the 22nd, Marì forces had reached the freeway interchange that marked the boundary of Sandusky. It was in the city that the Marì met much heavier resistance. Seventeen men were lost attempting to cross a 400m span of open space which connected the interchange to a local elementary school. It took three separate mortar shellings over a 12-hour period to finally flush out the American defenders and open a window large enough for Talossan forces to enter the city.

From here, the Sandusky contingent split into the 427th and 192nd Battalions again, with units being tasked to patrol the eastern outskirts of Sandusky, while others fought through a loosely bound array of suburban blocks and lone warehouses. It was east of Mills St that Glhoûn realized he would need more men. On the 25th of September, Marì command deployed reinforcements for the Sandusky contingent. 350 paratroopers of the 16th Airborne Regiment dropped into the suburban chaos and a mechanizes infantry troop was dispatched from Toledo.

The battle soon descended into a slow back-and-forth of house-by-house combat. It took the Sandusky contingent another week to secure Columbus Avenue and another fortnight to drive the remainder of the Army National Guard out of Sandusky. On the 16th of October, Sandusky was declared a city under Talossan occupation.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Occupational Survival Guide Part I Cont'd

How their occupation works

The Marì's commanders were ingenious in their invasion of America. While most people would think that the occupation relies on the control of major city centres such as Abbavilla, Cicavo or Detroit, the reality is that the most important footholds of the occupation are the smaller rural cities and towns. From these conduits, the Marì can control huge tracts of agricultural land and they produce that comes from them. This level of control would be impossible to establish from the major metropolitan areas. In fact, only about 25% of tamorans are ever assigned to major urban areas. Most go straight to the countryside, to smaller rural cities.

Marì infantry on MOUT training in the Joliet Army Training Area.
These influential country towns were taken so swiftly due to the Marì's easy access to America's interstate freeway system. By controlling the major veins of the American economy and the reserve military infrastructure, the Marì was able to quickly move men and materiel from one place to another, while also denying the Army Reserves and National Guard that same right.
The idea of the invasion was to take the Interstate and the cities that were situated on their paths, then break divisions into their smaller units -armored columns and infantry brigades/battalions- and send them out along the smaller highways, then establish bases and patrol along state routes. The plan completely defeated the need for navigational training. An officer could tell his men, "Travel this way down the road with the blue and red 57 sign."
The quick distribution of munitions from the Joliet Ammunition Factory is testament to the effectiveness of this system. An ammunition shipment headed for Peoria would head south along the I-55 then north-west along the I-74. This is a guarded route, and the risk of ambush is literally non-existent.

Soldiers of the Talossan-Polish Joint Training Program, 2029.

How they operate

The Marì's countryside patrols all originate from small outposts and bases. A typical outpost can house anywhere from 10 to 200 men, and some are also home to armored vehicles. The idea behind this tactic is twofold. First of all, the sheer number of bases greatly minimizes the risks that have to be taken by the Marì and ensure that if a unit is attacked, reinforcements are never very far away. This tactic also works to isolate would-be guerrillas and freedom fighters. While there will always be resistance in the countryside and in regions far from Abbavilla such as the Talossan-controlled portion of New York or Pennsylvania, the Marì's bases and outposts help to ensure that these dissidents can never properly create links with one another.
Since resistance movements can never gain the critical mass necessary to establish a defensible base, they remain small and easily contained. Properties are raided on a daily basis in searches for contraband like weapons, ammunition, bomb-making materials, communications equipment or "undesirable" literature.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Occupational Survival Guide Part I

Occupational Survival Guide

Part I: El Marì

El Marì, which literally means "the navy" in Talossan, is the collective armed forces of the Kingdom of Talossa. There are currently four service branches of the Marì. Firstly, there is the Marì itself, which is technically a naval force, but as Talossa is, at current, a landlocked country between the United States and Canada, most of the Marì serve either as seaman patrolling the Great Lakes or as a land force guarding Talossa or fighting the ever-dwindling war on the eastern front.
Then there are the Marineux (officially the Corpüs da Marineux), which are almost identical in function to the U.S. Marine Corps. They are the most robust of Talossa's forces and the most well-trained. Their training programs take heavily after their American forerunners and their recruiting is far more selective than that of the Marì or any other branch thereof. The Marineux are typically entrusted with missions of very high importance to the war effort.
The Marì's air force, the Forziun da Luc'ht, is still undeveloped in comparison with other militaries of the western world, with most of its aircraft being either stolen from occupied air bases or bought cheaply from allies whose air forces have no place to discard said aircraft.
Finally, there is the Lándfierd, a popular militia that can be rallied whenever needed to quell some rebellion or other. They are a shabby force of somewhere from 100,000 to 250,000 volunteers spread throughout Talossa. Of all the Marì's service branches, the Lándfierd is the least selective and, unsurprisingly, the least effective, their only real advantage being their numbers.

Marì reservists on maneuvers near the Auglaize River, east of Paulding, OH.

Dealing with the Marì

The branch of the Marì which most significantly affects the average Talossan/American/Cestour is the Occupational Police, often shortened to O.P. or T.G., which stands for the Talossan Terguard del Garnamaintsch. Officers of the Occupational Police can be identified by their light blue berets and/or unit patches seen on their sleeves. They are colloquially referred to as tamorans (literally "warrior").
By now, almost all soldiers of the Marì can speak fluent or semi-fluent Talossan, so when dealing with the Marì, a decent knowledge of el Glhetg is essential. Most tamorans are courteous enough, but occupational police detail is boring and poorly-paid work, so do not be surprised if some soldiers are curt or even abusive. There are countless stories of the abuse of both Talossans and Americans living in the border regions of Talossa, and even worse from the Rochester DMZ. Unfortunately, many of these stories are true, and the disgruntled tamorans in the borderlands know perfectly well that they can, quite literally, get away with murder.
In any case, for those who speak little Talossan, there is not much else you can do besides learn the language. In the case of a search of premises, which are quite common in the countryside, these two phrases can be very helpful.

Éu non sint 'n Cestourat, mas éu non parladréu Talossan.
"I am not a Cestourat, but I might not speak Talossan."
This phrase can be hit and miss, as some tamorans find it humorous, while others may take it as an invitation to label you as a Cestourat.

Éu ladintschiçéu.
"I am learning and using Talossan."
This phrase is something of a mouthful, but is very useful for showing any tamorans that you are assimilating and learning the language, as well as to persuade them to speak slower for your convenience.

Marineux on patrol in southern Michigan. Note the crimson berets.

Joke of the Week

Three men sit imprisoned in PIG headquarters. The first man asks the second why he is in prison. The second man replies, "I spoke out against Éovart Andrinescù."
The first man is shocked, and says, "But I spoke out in favour of Éovart Andrinescù!"
He asks the third man why he is in prison. The third man looks up sadly and says, "I'm Éovart Andrinescù."

Monday, October 21, 2013

Important Notice

Hello to all Talossa 2031 readers! Unfortunately, right now I am getting a little bogged down in schoolwork, studying for my yearly exams, and some other personal matters which I am working through. So, while I definitely plan to continue work on Talossa 2031 and while I am definitely not shutting down the blog, I will have to put the blog on hiatus for a short time until I get my studies back on track. I also plan on pre-writing a few more posts for the future so that I won't lag behind in terms of content generation.
So anyway, thanks again for all your support and I look forward to seeing you all soon on Witt.
¡Restetz cumpetens, Talossans!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

"Where are our royals?", July 2025

from el Cuszorxha Sürligna, 10 July 2025

The Talossan royal family has vanished this week in a maelstrom of political confusion and subterfuge. It seems as though no one knows where they are, or why they have disappeared, but many theories have already surfaced. Peculiarists blame the government, saying that their disappearance is part of a Byzantine conspiracy to drive Talossa to war with America. Government officials are keeping silent, but one Cuszorxha source, a PIG agent who chose to remain anonymous, said that the PIG suspect that the CIA was involved in the kidnap "as they have been involved in so many other countries' politics before".
A federal investigation is currently underway. El Cuszorxha will stay with this story as more information comes to light.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Is Talossa headed for war?", June 2025

Author's Note: Very sorry about the delay. After some deliberation, I decided to skip ahead to mid-2025, where the tension really starts to build. Anyway, I plan on publishing more content more quickly in the coming few weeks to compensate for my recent slackness. Thanks again for reading Talossa 2031!

from the Independent Thinker, an Abbavilla-based peculiarist publication. Written by Skye Johnson
Is ár päts heading down the warpath against its will? Short answer: a resounding üc, brothers and sisters. Once again, the ZRT-controlled faux dictatorship have proven themselves not to be defenders of this nation, but attackers, striking at the hearts and minds of the Talossan people! You've seen it yourself, in the propaganda and in their speeches, commanding that you bow down to the idea of a Talossa that is no better than the broken capitalist system we so gloriously seceded from all those years ago, before 2020. And now we have concrete evidence that the Marì, who we thought were charged with protecting us, is planned on being deployed inside the United States of America rather than stay and defend where they are needed most!
The story was, unsurprisingly, not covered by the government-controlled mainstream media, but through independent sources who cannot be named for the sake of their safety, we have obtained a series of communiqués to and from the Canadian government, discussing the possibility of the sales of surplus arms, vehicles and other equipment from their government to ours. The latest of these messages we have intercepted was marked as being sent early last month, confirming a transaction of a billion Canadian dollars worth of small arms, artillery, uniforms, body armor and vehicles of all varieties, from jeeps to battle tanks. Where is our government getting this money? I'll tell you where. The Chinese. China has funded over a billion Louis worth of industrial, agricultural and financial stimulations over the past two years, and probably plans to do more than stimulate the coming war effort. They'll do anything to see America crash and burn.
All of this is solid evidence of a coming war. The arms sales, the aggressive and authoritarian policy-pushing of the ZRT and the sharp increase in Marì enlistments in the past months. We do not know where the Marì will strike, but just the fact that they will strike in inorganic in itself. Apart from all the other Covenants from Article 19 of the Organic Law that have been violated by the government, one stands out among them. Covenant 6. It states as follows: "Liberty consists of any action which is not detrimental to others, and no right herein enumerated, or elsewhere recognised by the Cosâ, shall extend to anyone engaged in activities which injure, endanger, risk or compromise the physical health, privacy, or tranquility of other persons through the pretended exercise of said right."
An invasion is not liberty. By being citizens of a nation that preaches peace while waging war, do we simultaneously renounce our right to citizenship of this country? This coming invasion is the agent of that renunciation; it is the pretended exercise of the right.

Think back to our forefathers, from before Talossa became a "real" country. Is this what any of them would have wanted for Talossa? This is derivatism taken too far. Talossa is unlike any other country because we have the capacity for greatness, to be a shining beacon of hope and morality in a hopeless and immoral world. It is our calling, as was the calling of Schneider and all the great Peculiarists who preceded him.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

CIA briefing, June 2024

CIA briefing, 3rd June, 2024
This briefing focuses on two individuals wanted by Talossa for "acts of terror".

'Do we have a name?' asked Agent Carter.
'Yes. Yes we do.' replied Agent Salvi. He laid a wad of photos and documents on the table and clicked a slide on the laptop, which was connected to a projector. Images of incidents, crime scenes, old photos and suspected associates cycled on and off the screen.
'Lionel Milligan. He's got a number of aliases, but his most used is Léuneu Montäna, or just Léun for short.' explained Salvi. He pointed to a blurred picture of Léun carrying a suitcase away from a small hotel in Abbavilla.
'What did he do?' asked Carter.
'He's been accused of a number of crimes, from murder to conspiracy to terrorism. We don't know how much of this is true, but what we do know is that he's offing Talossan politicians in record numbers. He's killed three ZRT officials last month alone. As you can see, he's got a pretty distinctive profile. He looks nothing like Jean Reno, but he's clearly got a thing for Léon: The Professional. Wool cap, round sunglasses, trench coat.'
'What?' asked another agent, not understanding the reference.
'Léon: The Professional, it's a movie.' said Salvi. He sighed and continued. 'Never mind. We know that he has contacted or been contacted by 3 of Diamonds. We're not sure who started the conversation, but our monitoring system got a bunch of red flags on a certain call made between two individuals inside of Talossa, exactly eight days ago. They talked in Talossan, and what little we could translate wasn't anything suspect, but they were most likely speaking in some kind of code.'
'Who's 3 of Diamonds?' asked Carter. Salvi opened a new slideshow.
'His full official name is Davíu Éovart Andrinescu. He also goes by his nickname Éoväd.' said Salvi, retrieving the 3 of Diamonds to show it to the other agents present. Éovart's picture was hardly flattering.
'So what do we do about it? You think these guys can be turned?' asked Carter.
'Léun, maybe. But Éovart? No way. He's a crazed patriot. He's writing this book that's turned a few heads in Talossan politics. Léun gets a mention in it too. Apparently the PIG wants Éovart silenced but he won't budge, insisting he's just trying to help Talossa. We still haven't figured out Léun yet. He's unpredictable. He might kill three people one month and then go completely off the grid the next. We'll have to watch him.'

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Conversation with S:reu Andrinescu

Transcript from listening device planted inside Éovart Andrinescu's office at 424 E Wells Street, Abbavilla. Recorded from 3:37pm, 2nd April, 2024 by PIG Internal Affairs.

A door opens. Keene enters.
Éovart Andrinescu: How are you, Mr. Keene?
Ian Keene: Ah, English. That's a bit... American, don't you think?
ÉA: I'm not sure what you mean. You understand, Talossan is a second language for me. Please have a seat.
Keene sits. A window is closed.
IK: It is a second language for all of us, M:sr Andrinescu. We must set the example for the next generation of Talossan patriots.
Éovart sits.
ÉA: Indeed, indeed. What have you come for?
IK: I have come to... I have come to issue a warning.
A pause.
ÉA: Am I being summoned to court?
IK: No, M:sr Andrinescu. It has been brought to our... my attention that you have restarted your work upon your book... I can't quite remember what it is called.
ÉA: Wetwork In Talossa.
IK: Yes, that is the one. We have seen the manuscript of the first three chapters. I don't think I need to tell you that neither the Government, or the PIG approve of the contents of these chapters.
ÉA: They merely contain the truth.
IK: Perhaps the truth is not what the Talossan people need right now.
ÉA: So this is why you've come today? To censor me?
IK: You make it sound so uncouth. This is merely a warning. We've done nothing yet to censor you, Andrinescu, but give us reason to and you'll wish you hadn't crossed us.
ÉA: Are you threatening me?
A bumping noise, we think this is where Keene stands up. Distinct sound of a pistol being drawn.
IK: What are you going to do about it, Andrinescu? You forget how much you have to lose. Your wife, your child. Your little office and your job in the Department of Infrastructure.
ÉA: You can't get away with this for long, Keene. Soon enough, this whole thing will rot from the inside out, whether you kill me or not.
IK: You will behave yourself, Andrinescu, or suffer the consequences. I will be back tomorrow.
Keene leaves. Andrinescu curses a few times before we hear him leave the office.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Double agent found out, March 2024

from el Cuszorxha Sürligna, 29th March 2024
written by Dütsch dal Vapna

A double agent has been found out! Agent 17, formally a trusted Internal Affairs agent of the Primary Intelligence Group, was recently discovered to have been working in cahoots with the American C.I.A., with the express intention of crippling Talossa's intelligence network. Agent 17, whose real name is John Werner, has been tried in the Cort Pü Inalt for high treason and other crimes against the state. His execution is scheduled for the 1st of April, and will be held in Piatza da Caþedral, Abbavilla at midday.
This discovery represents the confirmation of a grave threat against Talossa and her peoples. This not only proves that the accursed Americans were planning to attack Talossa, but now have the informational capacity to launch such an attack. Remember that both the Lándfierd and Marì are accepting volunteers at this time. Rise to defend your Fatherland!

Friday, September 6, 2013

CIA report, 27th March 2024

Our agent inside PIG, Major Werner, who was known to the PIG as 17, has been found out and is being tried for high treason. He is scheduled to be executed by hanging sometime next week, but we are not sure exactly when. We can be reasonably sure that the execution will be public.
We were unable to intercept the transmission packet concerning the "marycot" and the system detected Agent Werner's last resort worm virus and shut down before it could do much damage. Besides the knowledge we had from our earlier report (3 March), we're back to square one in terms of solid and reliable intelligence.
An attempt to rescue Werner is, at this point, deemed unfeasible. He will likely commit suicide before any information can be tortured out of him.

Let's keep it professional, shall we?
I'm disengaging the time-stamps. Just a heads-up.

But don't you even drop the bass? You're such a grump, 14.

There's a reason why you are still working Internal Security, 17.

Fuck off.


It's good to see that we are keeping these discussions both mature and topical, and not treating the secure message systems like Witt.

I've sent the report from the last Marycot à tu computex, 29.

Éu üscüdéu qe la vierschina veneva bastant adequätsamint.

Zürüc à Talossan da nhoua, eh?

Noi atentadrent à guardarh cosas cunsistent, ¿oi?


O tent el idéa drept.


So it's down to just us three again.

Cut the jokes, 17. 29, leave now.




The Department of Internal Affairs has been notified and their inquiry will begin imminently. I've denounced you to the chief of staff and you are to be tried for high treason, as well as a host of other related military charges. You're going to hang, 17. I hope it was worth it.



Friday, August 30, 2013

CIA report, 3rd March 2024

The following is an excerpt from a chat log between three PIG agents: 14, 29 and 17. These messages were intercepted between 0432 and 0438, 03.03.2024. The agents discuss something called "Westland", which appears to be some kind of code for a regal, perhaps a member of the Talossan royal family, as 17 mentions "regals" in one of his messages. "The Party" appears to be a colloquial reference to the ZRT, the ruling party of the Talossan government. This inference is supported by the reference to Xheraltescù, almost certainly meaning Carlüs Cauvesc Xheraltescù, the current deputy prime minister, and Txusci, most likely a reference to Davíu Txusci, the current war minister and head of the Talossan military.
A series of encoded messages follows, which are yet to be deciphered, then 14 appears to leave to the chat. 17 then makes reference to something called "Operation Talossan Peninsula", which we suspect may have something to do with a future invasion of Michigan. 17 says that they will traverse something (again, yet to be decoded), before bickering briefly with 29 and then leaving.
A full military counsel is advised at this juncture. If the Marì intends to invade Michigan, then a defense of some kind must be mustered. The Army Reserve in the region is currently on standby, but there is no way we can withdraw our troops from Syria and/or Ecuador and Colombia in time to stop this invasion, which we fear is imminent.

Tactile moves, that's what is needed here.
X_A14: 0432

Westland is becoming a problem.
X_A29: 0432

Westland is irrelevant. The Party will take care of the regals. Leave the politics to Xheraltescù and the war to Txusci.
X_A17: 0433

Are you sure this system is secure?
X_A29: 0433

Why so concerned?
X_A17: 0433

Unless you're certain that the network is secure, stick to the code words, Séiftesch.
X_A29: 0433

Creavéu séifet prairubxheux sangüns. Ben aßei për tu?
X_A17: 0434

Stop arguing. We're meant to be fighting the Cestours, not each other. Zespartéu.
X_A14: 0434


What war?
X_A29: 0434

Operaziun PENINSULA TALOSSAN. Noi traverçarhent ZppTM5YXvb8QKbl9PzQ== pü schpeit ar próxim.
X_A17: 0435

The enemy do have translators, you know.
X_A29: 0435

Let them fry. How are the stupid bastards meant to figure out el Glhetg without the literature, eh?
X_A17: 0435

Os tiennent penetrat ár päts come noi tiennent penetrat el lor.
X_A29: 0436

Ceßetz tu c'horînd. El Regipäts isch sigür. Sigürarhéu ça. Zespartéu.
X_A17: 0438



Friday, August 23, 2013

Marì formally founded, February 2024

from el Cuszorxha Sürligna, 3rd February 2024
written by Sullì da Kisch

Today, the Ministry of Defense has announced the formal founding of el Marì Talossan. With it comes the appointment of Defence Minister Davíu Txusci to the position of Rear Admiral, the high commander of Talossa's naval forces.
While at the moment, the Marì consists of a single infantry division, but plans to form a "Diviziun da Marineux" and an air force are "in consideration", according to Admiral Txusci.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2023 C.E.

A fairly uneventful year for Talossa, 2023 was one of steady economic and political growth. During this time, Talossa resurrected its legal system, placing newly repatriated cybercit Ián Tamorán in the position of Grand Justice of the Cort Pü Inalt, effectively the highest judge of the reformed Talossan legal system.
With Tamorán's repatriation came the further recognition of the "First 300", the colloquially named group of the first 300 citizens of the Kingdom.
An extract from the Cußorxha:
The now aged (said to be in his late seventies) Justice Ián Tamorán has also appeared at some gatherings in Talossa. No-one knows how he entered the country, and much care is being taken to hide his day-to-day whereabouts. It is said that he is one of the few people with enough diplomatic experience to broker an agreed peace with Talossa's neighbouring aggressor nation. There is, however, within the Kingdom strong opposition to his involvement, as he has never been fully popular with any of the political parties, always seeming to play one off against the other. Members of the First 300 have said that he has lost much of the common popularity he had during the commotion nine years ago - the "Immigration Shiboleth", as it was called in the local press. Justice Tamorán is known to have both friends and enemies in high places: unconfirmed rumours indicate disagreement between the King and the Queen.
Other important events include two new Arestadas from the CÚG. The first, released in May, made most consonant mutations obsolete to make the language "more accessible and easy to learn for all of our citizens". The second, released later in June, made the "thorn" digraph obsolete, and is to be replaced in all instances with "tg". As well as this, the letter "eth" has been completely disbanded, now to be replaced with a "d" or a "dh". Pressure to eliminate "ß" and replace it with "ss" or, less popularly, "sz" failed, but are still being considered by the CÚG.
These Arestadas were both met with extreme hostility from the Talossans for the Traditional Language (TPGT), a group that has been advocating the use of traditional, "pre-2007" Talossan since the formation of the Kingdom.
Four new ministries of the Ziu were created this year; the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Resources and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

By the end of 2023, the U.S. had seen its third president in 8 months. The past six presidents; Damien Foster, William Ekkeburt, Linda Bautista, Henry Wilkinson, Edward Sams and Milo Hall had all been deposed either by popular motion or a vote of no confidence in either the Senate, Congress or the Supreme Court.
As the U.S. economy declines further, Talossa's first private company, Ercas d'Abbavilla Inc., goes public on the eve of 24 August. EdA quickly becomes known as a reliable resources producer and takes advantage of its early lead, securing most of Talossa's resource and manufacturing market almost overnight.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

New ministry founded, December 2022

from el Cußorxha Sürligna, 26 December 2022
written by Sullì da Kisch
To celebrate the 43rd anniversary of the founding of Talossa, as well as to address the needs of the nation's burgeoning economic and industrial environment, the Ziu has announced the formation of a new ministry, the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture.
The creation of a new ministry comes as a result of a need for an independent source of goods from inside the country. So far, most of Talossa's goods have been shipped, sometimes at great expense, from China or Canada, two nations who have long supported Talossa since the early days of the revolution.
This new ministry's role is to "oversee, regulate and encourage industrial and, when Talossa expands further into the countryside, agricultural growth", according to Glüc da Dhi, the new Minister of Industry and Agriculture.
Mic'haglh Uitattä, the Deputy Minister of Industry, also released a Stätsmínt Xheneraliçat of his own, saying that "...while there is a long road ahead for the people of Talossa, we feel that the ministry's work can guarantee a secure economic environment for out future."
The statement went on to mention the now-confirmed plans for further expansion into the countryside of Wisconsin. Rumors that this expansion may continue to envelop other nearby states, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa and northern Michigan in particular, remain unconfirmed.
The Ministry's plan for what it calls "national industrial rejuvenation" will begin at the start of next year with the restoration of Abbavilla's industrial district, which was damaged in the riots and later used as a squatting ground for some of those who were displaced or made homeless by the revolutionary actions of some of our late comrades in arms.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

2nd December, 2022


not affiliated with the real

2 DECEMBER, 2022

World population ticks over 8,000,000,000

writes Emily Lynch
The world's population has reached 8 billion today, according to the U.N. Statistics Division. This declaration is only an estimate, but the analysts of the UNSD have determined through a collection of local censuses throughout the world that the world population reached 8 billion sometime during the past month or so.
This shift has occurred around two years before it was projected, which raises concerns about overpopulation and the ever-increasing food worries that are encroaching on once-prosperous nations, the U.S. in particular.
I spoke to an analyst of the UNSD, Rhianna Jackson, who said:
"It is concerning that the population is expanding this quickly. We only projected that the world's population would reach 8 billion in 2025. The explosion of unchecked births in previously prosperous countries is most likely due to their falling economies."
Conservative activist, Henry Ritter of 2KG Radio 7, blames the new "oriental powers" for the population problems, as well as basically all other problems in America. With China's massive economic growth in the past two years, coupled with Russia's seizing of many thousands of gallons worth of oil and natural gas pipelines in the Middle East after their victory in the Iran War, the base of economical and mineral power  has shifted to the east at a blinding speed.

25 October, 2022

El Cußorxha

25 Listopäts, 2022

Royal family repatriated, much fanfare

The royal family of Talossa, King Pair I, Queen Antaglha and their three sons have been safely repatriated after arriving in Talossa at Luc'htphort Internaziunal del Lupul, formally known as General Mitchell International Airport. The family was flown in from their home in Lafayette, Indiana. Upon their arrival, they were ushered into a limousine which took them to el Chentenar Grült del Ziu in Abbavilla.
This particular repatriation, one of many this month, is of very high importance to el Regipäts. King Pair's coronation occurred two days ago in the Abbavilla University. His first action as regent was to swear in the Ziu, which began the formal machinations of government.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Büreu del Glhetg handbill, c. 2022

BdG handbill printed en masse in East Side Milwaukee, now called Abbavilla by the Ziu. Recovered on the 12th of September, 2022.
Simple but effective propaganda has become a hallmark of the newly reformed Talossan government. From late 2022 onward, less and less of the population are speaking English all the time, as they are required to at least speak some Talossan for official or legal circumstances. The availability of free language courses all throughout Talossan territory did great things for the sense of patriotism and individuality that Talossa so desperately needed to carry on as a successful nation.
Unfortunately, this also led to the discrimination and occasional mistreatment of the Cestourats living in and around the border areas that were not quite Talossan, but not quite American either. This was especially evident in such events as the Scourge of Paducah, 2026 and there have been many reports or complaints of occupational police brutality in the West Rochester DMZ, 2030.
But in the end, the widespread use of the Talossan language not only united the country, but also made it a more formidable military opponent. With one of the conditions of joining the Marì (formed in 2024) being a semi-fluent or at least somewhat advanced knowledge of the language, the invasion forces of Talossa all spoke in a language that the world did not yet understand. With the websites of language owned and run by the government, access to online language resources was restricted to IP addresses within firmly-held Talossan territory, as well as the purchase or delivery of any Talossan language books, or books written in the language itself.
This way, the Talossan government was able to restrict its most powerful popular motivator to the use of its citizens and no one else.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

8 August, 2022


8 August, 2022


writes Charlie Slane
The White House released a statement earlier today, stating that they have recognized the secession of the rogue state calling itself "el Regipäts Talossan", meaning the Kingdom of Talossa. This secession comes as a result of the numerous riots of the past three years in and around the Milwaukee area, finally culminating in the creation of this breakaway state.
After a number of failed strikes against the would-be rebels, beginning with riot police and ending with full-scale military action against the occupied city, the U.S. government reported the following in their statement:
"The risk of civilian casualty is too high to continue the attacks on Milwaukee. With the city in chaos and any and all medical facilities out of commission, we cannot afford to cause innocent deaths. Even the most professional of pilots, gunners and soldiers can make mistakes, and those mistakes cost lives. That is to say, every person who is inside the Milwaukee metropolitan area and is not affiliated with the rioters is, at this point in time, considered by the United States Government to be a hostage of the terrorists that are occupying the city."
The Talossan government, or the "Ziu", as it is known in the language the rioters used to communicate without alerting police or other civilians to their activities, has convened as a 200-seat bicameral parliament, similar to the Canadian system of government. Several overseas citizens, informally known as "cybercits" (short for cyber citizens, members of the nation's original message board), have been recalled to Milwaukee to be repatriated.
One of these citizens was Éovart Andrinescù (age 24), who tells us he was formally known as Edward Anderson. An Australian local politician with a wife and a child, who accompanied him on his flight to Talossa, Éovart arrived at Burlington Municipal Airport yesterday and is now attempting to seek "political asylum" in Talossan territory.

Benvenescu àl Fütür

Wisconsin USA, 2022
The U.S. economy is dwindling. Years of rioting have resulted in the creation of a new nation-state known as Talossa. The war between two nations, one dying, one newborn, begins. Follow this blog and the story of el Fütür through triumph and defeat, through patriotism and corruption, through life and death. Who will prevail? Only here will you find out.